Why create Go or Golang programming language?
Go was actually created within the Google organization, and the engineers that started developing Go created it because they recognized some challenges with the languages that were commonly used in that organization at that time. If we look at the goals of software development at a very, very high level, we might break it down into these three categories.
1. Efficient Compilation
We don't want our programmers and our engineers sitting around waiting for our applications to compile. We'd like them to stay productive and stay in that programming mindset. So waiting 20 or 30 minutes for an application to compile really isn't going to do it for us.
2. Efficient Execution
Time is money, and the more efficient a programming language is, the less time it takes to execute a given task, and therefore, the more money it saves the organization. So Google, like the rest of us, wants their applications to run efficiently.
3. Ease Of Programming
Teams at Google are constantly ramping engineers onto and off of themselves, and so the ability to ramp up a new engineer quickly on the software that the team is using is a very important source of efficiency gain throughout the entire Google organization.
So what Google was looking at is how do we achieve all three of these? How do we combine efficient compilation, efficient execution, and ease of programming? And that led to the creation of Go.
Pluralsight- Go: The Big Picture